Fruits of your labour: The Importance of taking a minute to live life
People have this notion that being an author, especially self-published, means you live the easy life. That somehow everything falls into...
How I lived for a year with no internet
Here's a tiny confession: so I've been living without internet for a year. On purpose. Yep, you can close those mouths hanging open ☺️ ...

Who Loves Starbucks? I do!
This post is a bit related to writing. Namely, what gets me in the mood to write – and please share below what works for you! My long...

Kennel Woes
Alrighty, here goes a topic completely unrelated to writing or marketing: doggies. As some/most of you may know, I’m happily blessed to...

A little rant on technology….
I don't mean to offend anyone but.... Ok, so technology is all nice and swell. It helps me format and edit my books in record time, do...
What drives us to write?
Since publishing my book, I’ve gotten this question a few times. And there’s no easy, straight-forward answer, we all have different...
Ok, so a bit more about me
I’ve been told this is a story that needs to be shared, so, here goes! *takes a deep breath* I was born in 1992 in a little town called...