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A chance to get my books...exclusively and at a discounted price...before their release! Check out the lineup below & details:)

What's in it for you, as a reader?

I wouldn't be offering this option if it didn't mean extra benefits and, overall "more bang for your buck". But let me stop being vague... When you pre-order directly from me, you get:

👉 You'll get a link to download the final copy of the novel the night before it releases everywhere else.

👉 The exclusive, never-before-seen, first 3 chapters of the novel to keep you going until release date (if the pre-order is for 4 months or more, you'll get the chapters as soon as they're in reading condition!)

👉 You'll be added to my equally exclusive list that receive news specific to this release -- no other spam, no other emails!

👉 That list will benefit from first access to giveaways (and extra entries!), exclusive sneak peeks, a chance to name characters and pick locations for battles, and so much more!

👉 The first 10 pre-orders for each book will receive, upon release of the book, exclusive bookmarks mailed out to them 

Why am I doing this, as an author?

There are many, many authors out there who do great work under pressure. There are many others who don't, but still publish their books because they need to feed the beast (the market) and survive. I'm part of the first group, but I'm also only human. This last year of the pandemic has proven that my superwoman status I was so proud was, well, tethering on the brink. And there's nothing mote I hate than not providing proper quality books to my readers. Thankfully, I've managed to avoid that so far, but... I'm wary of ever getting to that pont. 

When it comes to pre-orders, I've always set them up in advance for a few reasons:

👉 it's a chance for eager readers to order their copy early

👉 pre-ordering usually means they get the book at a discount not available once the book goes live

👉 every pre-order adds to my book's rankings when it does go live, helping to increase visibility on Amazon

👉 lastly, for readers who absolutely adore the series and don't want to miss out, the pre-order ensures a quick delivery of the book to their e-reader of choice, without them having to worry about jotting down release dates and so on

But... There's a flaw in that system. As I'm only exclusive to Amazon, readers who don't get books off Amazon miss out on my releases. While there's a huge market of Kindle Unlimited readers, I've increasingly become aware through various emails from readers asking "hey, are your books ever going to be available so I can read them" that there is a demand for them outside of Amazon. As a reader myself, I would hate to miss out on my favorite author's releases because they're only available in one spot.

On top of that reasoning, pre-orders with Amazon (like I've done this entire last year) lock me into a contract whereby if I try to change the pre-order day by more than a month, I get penalized. Andddd the rest of my pre-orders get cancelled and I lose all pre-ordering privileges for a year, without any way to contact the readers who'd pre-ordered to explain myself. Yeah, it's not fun.

Even less fun when you're in a pandemic and life happens, and you're a perfectionist who doesn't want to release a book until you're satisfied with it... Needless to say, it causes a huge amount of stress. So, I'm being upfront here when I say that much as I 'm doing this for you, so you can still take advantage of having my books on pre-order, I'm also doing it for my mental health.

Unfortunately, for the time being, I'm not in a position to make the books "wide" i.e. available everywhere. And since I write my books for my readers, I wanted to find a way for everyone to be able to access them. And...this is it: pre-orders available to anyone who'd want them. Once the book goes live, the pre-orders will disappear off Payhip and the book will only be available on Amazon, as the rest of the series (to avoid me being penalized and Amazon removing ALL my books). 

How it works

Simple as 1-2-3! 

1️⃣ Scroll above and click on the book image you want to pre-order

2️⃣ You'll be taken to my Payhip page where the book is available at an exclusive pre-release price of $0.99; order it as you would and pay through Paypal, credit card, etc. 

3️⃣ You'll be able to download your exclusive chapters right away (and you'll get an email with the link also just in case!) straight onto your ereader. (Note: If the pre-order is more than 4 months in advance, you'll get the three chapters as soon as they're in reading condition).

4️⃣ In the background, your email will be added to an exclusive list that will receive updates about the series, exclusive insights, etc.

5️⃣ On the day before the book goes live, you will receive your link to the final, prettyfied copy. This book is the exact same product you'd have purchased off Amazon or any other retailer, but the benefit is you'll be able to read it in advance! 

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