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New Year’s Resolutions

Alrighty, all! So we’ve made it to 2017. I think it’s a fair enough time to pat ourselves on the back for everything that we attempted in 2016, whether successful or not. At least we tried!

Now that it’s a new year, the goal is to progress. Keep in mind, progress can be big or small. It does not matter if your idea of progress is finishing that last chapter of your book, or of writing a brand new, or of trying some new advertising techniques… The point is, we have to try!

The thing is, I dislike New Year’s Resolutions with a passion. Why? Because people always seem to make this long list of things they want to do in the new year, but end up barely hitting a few. Or worse, they start, and never finish.

Example: My last workplace, one common New Year’s resolution was getting in shape. Everyone on my team would start the year by getting a fitness pass. And everyone would go… For the first month. After January, most of them dropped out, citing this excuse or that.

I never bought the fitness pass – I also dislike gyms as a rule.

What I did do, was keep on with my previous year plan that I had developed: a jog a few times a week, and loads of meditation. I find I respond better to abstract solutions, rather than fully regimented athletic trainings. If I was to try some 30min workout on a DVD, I’d do it for, maybe, 2-3 weeks tops. Then I would stop out of sheer boredom.

It’s happened before, don’t laugh :)

So I’ve turned my favorite activities into exercise: skating in winter, rollerblading in summer, jogging & walking (always with the dogs), and the occasional martial arts training. It is something I can do, and even more importantly, something I can stick to.

That being said, when you’re setting up your New Year’s resolutions in regards to your writing, keep that in mind. Everyone’s way of going about it, might not work for you! Chances are, it definitely won’t work.

So do it in a way that YOU enjoy, in a way that YOU can track progress, and most importantly, in a way that makes you happy :)

That’s all for my return, and my two cents of advice for the new year… For now!

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